Home of the MacQuaid Clan
Welcome to the amazingly incomplete homepage
of MacQuaid.org. Naturally I have grand aspirations for this site, chief among
which is to keep track of my far-flung friends and family.
Family in the old
Viscount Richard, Milady Terwen, Lady Catherine, Lord Cian
Visby AS
XXIV (1990 Gregorian)
Current Events:
- Essays - A series of essays I wrote to
help clarify my thinking on a number of issues. They were mostly written in
'85 - '87.
- ITP - Integral Transformative Practice
is a program designed by George Leonard (Mastery) and Michael Murphy
(Future of the Body) designed the program based on their experiences in
sorts, the martial arts, education and the human potential movement. It is a
path I believe is valuable.
- Books - My Current reading
list, weighted toward work topics
Coming Attractions:
- Family Tree
- Bios
- Pictures
- Articles
- Links
Thanks for coming by. Y'all Come back now, y'hear?
Copyright 2007 by
Gregory R. Gagnon
My Host, who has provided excellent value and service:
Some friends of mine over at
also have a cafepress site with merchandise for all sorts of things. One of my
phrases from back in the D&D days made it onto their list after I used it in WoW:
Did I mention I'm a paladin of a fertility god?